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Old 07-30-2013, 06:17 PM   #32
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Re: What's your best theft deterrent ???

Originally Posted by Longhorn 70 View Post
I had a friend who has now left us that used a "Club" that went from the brake pedal and locked the steering wheel in place for his Falcon. Someone still tried to tow the car out of his drive. Luckily he had the front wheels turned sharp enough that it would have towed in circles if no dolly was used....It would've taken too much time. They left. If they did get it how would he find it??

I have thought of 2 things to deter theft in my truck and handle an incident similar to the one above.

1. Install a horn relay that connects to the ignition wire that would have to be disabled before driving the truck.

2. Cell phone type tracking device if it does get snagged so I can find, as well as police, my truck. They are cheap with cheap service costs. Look Here. I am in no way affiliated with the GPS company.

I never understood the popularity of the club pushing against the steering wheel and the brake pedal? All you have to do is cut the steering wheel and the club falls off ! Bolt cutters and you are on your way.
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