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Old 07-31-2013, 06:17 PM   #47
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Re: What's your best theft deterrent ???

Redundancy is the key; it causes the thief to take more time; time is on your side not the thieves.

1) Something that makes noise, can be as simple as cans or cow bells hitting the ground when they open the door. Now they have to move fast.

2) steering lock. Yea, it can be cut. But bring your tools and spend the extra few seconds to cut it.

3) Power cut off, spend a few more seconds to rewire or find the switch.

4) fuel cutoff, spend time to find it also.

each attempt causes cranking the engine, more noise and more pressure for the SOB thief.

If they really want it they will get it. But if they have to work too hard they will get something else.

I know most of our trucks our worth more to us than the SOB thief. That's why deterrents work.

Nothing I hate worse than a thief!!!!
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