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Old 12-02-2003, 12:26 PM   #31
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what happened?

I missed part of this too...what went wrong, from who and for what parts?

I have been ebaying for at least a couple of years and I do anything and everything possible to make transactions quick and simple. I've been screwed twice, from one guy who simply changed his mind, even after I called him twice and got the "payment is coming" BS.

The other guy had taken some really deceptive pictures of some tires and unbelievable had the nerve to sell them. They were crap and worthless...chunked and cracked...but you could not see that in the pictures. I tossed $$$ away on that one, even did the whole "square trade" arbitration deal, etc...

Best thing you can do is accept the negative feedback, provide some of your own and hang on to your money if you are the bidder and suspect something is awry.
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