Originally Posted by Marv D
"Vortex" heads?? Are talking Gm 96-2000 Vortec iron casting, or is there someone out there making a head called "Vortex"
(Sorry, there is so many new-comers in the aftermarket throwing a name on some Chineese knock-off these days that I just want to make sure I 'm not making an incorrect assumption.
Step one, forget the Edelbroke carb. There nothing but a headache. But do as you will there. Just one opinion.
If this is stock Vortec heads, your limited to .43 lift without doing some work to them. An aftermarket head is typically tolerant of more lift. But again not knowing what you have will just get everyone in trouble.
the Vortex heads are from Chevrolet and Ive never had any problems with Edelbrock carbs