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Old 08-01-2013, 02:56 PM   #61
Steve Cole
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Re: What's your best theft deterrent ???

Originally Posted by lap15 View Post
Best theft deterrent is always a dog. Even if it's not vicious, most people will not open a car door when they see a dog inside. I personally would pull the coil wire- easy to carry in your pocket. A friend of mine somehow got his key stuck in his ignition and rather than fixing it just hung a rag in the window as if the truck was broken down. Never had it stolen...but it was a work truck, not a show truck.
Hey Lap15, a dog is a good deterrent but you can't go to the movies in June and leave him in the truck. I was thinking some type of lock or ignition cut out or something to that effect.
Hey, how about a sheriffs department sticker in the back window?
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