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Old 08-01-2013, 07:10 PM   #1
don t. - 72gmc
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Q-Jet rebuild - round 2

Original post on this topic is here....

Ran it a bit. Noticed top of carb has gas on it, had a real hard time getting it to stay running. Almost like no choke. I remembered I had very similar issues a few years back rebuilding a different carb.

Took carb apart again. Reinstalled old needle and seat, and the old acc pump. Put it back on, much much better. Did carb tweeks, now it does a 1 wheelie squeelie with easy. I still think the idle, carb jets, still need adjusting as my ear says its a bit to high RPM. Exhaust does not smell "gassy" as before the recent changes.

Anyway...Is there something with the needle and seats now-a-days? or is it just me? I tapped in and burnished the new seat on the initial rebuild. Did notice the old seat is red in color, where the new is black? I dunno.

Have fun....don t. ....
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