Originally Posted by Andy4639
U people must not love your animals as much as u think. Leaving a poor animal in a cab with the windows up even if they aren't all the way up is very cruel to the animal. I would never leave my dogs in my vehicle for no reason. That's just wrong!
If your that scared of leaving your truck stay home. I would rather the truck get stolen than for me to find my loved one dead inside the cab because of me leaving him are her.
Relax people. I would never leave my dog in my truck with the windows up and truck parked in the middle of a mall lot when it's 100 degrees out. Common sense prevails. When the dog is with me it's usually for small runs and weather permitting. Both windows are down all the way and the slider open~hence commenting on this post. The dog will sit in the driver seat and wait for me. It's funny seeing her head stick up behind the wheel.