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Old 08-01-2013, 10:10 PM   #3
Who Changed This?
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Re: Q-Jet rebuild - round 2

Originally Posted by don t. - 72gmc View Post
Original post on this topic is here....

Ran it a bit. Noticed top of carb has gas on it, had a real hard time getting it to stay running. Almost like no choke. I remembered I had very similar issues a few years back rebuilding a different carb.

Took carb apart again. Reinstalled old needle and seat, and the old acc pump. Put it back on, much much better. Did carb tweeks, now it does a 1 wheelie squeelie with easy. I still think the idle, carb jets, still need adjusting as my ear says its a bit to high RPM. Exhaust does not smell "gassy" as before the recent changes.

Anyway...Is there something with the needle and seats now-a-days? or is it just me? I tapped in and burnished the new seat on the initial rebuild. Did notice the old seat is red in color, where the new is black? I dunno.

Have fun....don t. ....
I don't understand what you mean about tapping and burnishing the new seat, and it being red or black. The seat is brass, and the needle has a coating of some petroleum-resistant material, which may be red or black. Some of the new kits use a material that is not resistant to E85 fuel, which has alcohol in it. The newer material may have been your issue. if by "tap", you meant that you tapped on the needle to get it to seat, that's the last thing you would want to do, as it will distort that material. Or did you run a tap into the carburetor where the seat threads in?

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

Simi Valley, CA
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