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Old 08-02-2013, 06:20 AM   #92
don t. - 72gmc
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Re: Found me a possible truck 1971 gmc swb

Originally Posted by SCHRUMGMC View Post
Well I bought the Cougar for $1,400 and have put $200 into it

if things fall through on this truck I may get this
Sell the Cougar for whatever you can above $1000. The $'s you lose is the education you got from buying it.
Take the $'s and pay the lady, pay to get it home.
Now you've gotta truck, w/no tranny and needs body work.
Whats a rebuilt tranny cost?
Do you do body work? If not, whats it cost to r&r a pair of rocker panels?
If you've got rusty rockers, what about the rest of the floor, cab mounts, etc?
Got other means of transportation while your truck is under repairs?

Don't make the same mistakes I, and probably many others, have made just cuz you gotta have it.
Want and need are 2 different things.

YMMV...don t. ...
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