Originally Posted by primetime
I agree with that, but i'm super surprised that no one here has bought the truck first. I mean if it was a moral issue in giving him first dibs on it... its been 4 days since the original post! don't forget he is selling his 67 cougar for twice the amount he bought it for after only putting $200 into it. I won't knock the hustle. I actually like 67 cougar he is selling and if I wasn't building my 72 c10 I would offer him the money he's asking( not the $3,500 he listed on craigslist). if he really wants the truck I would sell the cougar at a fair price then buy the truck, or sell that vw and then buy the truck. but by all means.... PLEASE CALL THAT LADY AND ASK HER TO REMOVE THAT AD FROM CRAIGSLIST. good luck on the build once its in your yard. but you got to stop advertising it to everyone
Where it hasn't sold, I wonder if it is a genuine swb? With the mismatched bed, sport bumper, and camper mirrors, who knows. It may or may not matter to the op. Just throwing it out as a possible explanation
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