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Old 08-03-2013, 02:54 AM   #10
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Re: Cost for ls1 swap with trans

Originally Posted by Mister-B View Post
Sounds like that's the going rate, but step back for a minute and consider how much money that is. Eight THOUSAND five HUNDRED dollars, dude. That's probably more than your truck is worth. You could find a replacement stock type motor for your current truck, and buy a couple more running 67-72's to thoroughly enjoy. Either that, or a rebuilt motor, and a hell of a shopping spree at brothers, buying everything you could imagine for your current truck.
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I'm not going to have any knee jerk reactions here. I do have a wife. LOL I was just curious as to the what its worth aspect. I don't know that I would ever part with my truck so....I'm not overly worried about spending more than it's worth. Am considering selling my Porsche before I move and was debating on buying a crate sbc350. I have a built 200r4 in my garage. blah blah blah

Had the spine surgery Wednesday and like my foot surgery.....laid up on sofa trying to see how I can spend money. LOL
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