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Old 08-03-2013, 08:31 PM   #8
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Re: 97 Z71 driver/project build

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It finally quit raining about 1 so I got started goin back together. Got it off the engine stand, put new flexplate on and set her in, surprisingly it went in pretty easy and got the trans lined up easy too. I got some stuff back on, got mad at the distributor cause it was a tooth off, and couldn't find a long enough screwdriver to turn the oil pump shaft so I moved on to putting other things on. Got to put starter, flexplate cover and oil cooler on the bottom, get distributor set, plug wires ran, water pump, belt and secure wiring. After that it will be on hold till I get paid again to get the radiator and get that buttoned up, then I will run it and hope it runs! heres a couple quick pics.
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