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Old 08-06-2013, 11:07 PM   #3
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Re: Questions – Looking at buying a 1966

Originally Posted by Budman56 View Post
depends on what you want to do with it, i would suggest making a list of everything that you can find wrong with it then a list of wishful items, then when your all done only tackle what really needs to be done to make it safe to drive. as far as painting it, your looking at about 1k to 3k and up for paint depending on what kind of paint. as for the usual thing wrong with these trucks its mostly grounding issues, rust at the doors, fenders, and roof line, pillars, and floor boards. I would suggest looking really close at the all these areas for rust, because even it you dont think you see any I can bet there is rust hiding there somewhere and unless you are a body man and can tackle the repairs that can get expensive. other than that these are great old trucks, I can say that because I have had nine of them and currently am working on a 65 3/4 ton.
I'll try to make a list of things that I want to do. It's a safe driver now, so I can move on to other things that need work. I wouldn't be in a huge rush to complete it. I'd rather take my time.
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