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Old 08-07-2013, 09:19 AM   #1
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narrowing a dana 60

Ok, this is more of an hypothetical question.

I had a Dana 60 under my 60 Panel right now. It came out of a 95 dodge. I dont have any measurements handy but with it under the truck the wheels rub the fender. Just enough to leave scuffs on the tires. Now normally I would simply get wheels that have more (or is it less?) backspace to move them in a little. However these wheels are already as backspaced as they can get. Any more and the wheel will stick out past the tire

Also the wheels that I want to use, wont even mount on the Dana 60 while under the truck due to the fenders. I would need to narrow the Dana 60 about 3 to 4 inches would be my guess. 1 to 2 inches on each side

My question is, Would this be feasible? I know that a rear end can be narrowed. Done all the time. But I've never done one. Is it a lot of work that I would be better off going out and trying to find one already done? Or is this something that is relatively easy? What about cost wise. Would I be better off saving my money for something else or is this a cost effective option? Thanks in advance.
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