Thread: My 71 TR6 build
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Old 08-08-2013, 01:22 PM   #4
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Re: My 71 TR6 build

Yes, the British Racing green is The color for this little car!
I had sent my Stromberg carburetors to a man known for overhauling them, and just received them yesterday! The picture below is the before and I hope the carbs were the running problem, it needed to be done anyway.
but also yesterday, I pulled the right front wing(fender) as it's in kind of bad shape. A new one is 600 bucks! ouch. But there's a man in Houston that has some used parts that I'm going to check out Saturday. He wants 50 bucks for a fender that's in better shape than mine. While I had the wheel off, I have some frame restoration and floor pan work ahead of me! Fun ~(gag me with a spoon!) I will figure out how to make a rotisserie this time since it's a small car!
Gosh do I need a shower! ugh~ I stiiiiinnnk!

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1968 Jeep Cj5 (2-8-2020 to present)
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