Re: Found me a possible truck 1971 gmc swb
I stand corrected and actually just made up that little jingle. All my parents GM cars had dual keys and the ignition key to my 71 didn't fit the doors when I got it. That's what I get for being cute
edit: looks like 69 according to these guys, splains why mine didn't work
Life is too long to go slow... 
71 GMC 1500 Super Custom LWB
350/350 AC(replaced w/vintage air)/PS/PB
2.5 CPP Spindle, 1" CPP Drop Spring, CPP Front and Rear Sway Bars/DJM Flip, new General Spring KC 5 spring pack, HEI /IntReg Alt
20x8.5 OldSkools 5" BS, 275/45 Falkens
Last edited by sKnNyPpY; 08-08-2013 at 05:16 PM.