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Old 08-08-2013, 05:20 PM   #1
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7" or 8" TT II's on the front.

I'm trying to decide if I should get a set of 17" TT II's in either 7" or 8" wide for the front of my 73 Jimmy 2wd. I have 6.5" van rallys on it now with a 4.5/6 drop. Its not low enough to tuck yet but one day I want to get down there. Has anybody bought either the 7" or the 8" and wished they hadn't? Also, thinking about 4" backspace for the 7" and 5" bs for the 8", correct? I have some 17x9.5" with 5.5" bs for the rear already.

I'm going for a basic hotrod theme on the truck. Here's a current pic.

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