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Old 08-08-2013, 08:55 PM   #8
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Re: narrowing a dana 60

Originally Posted by 66Submarine View Post
I guess it's a 3/4-1 ton? I think cab and chassis dually rear ends are about the right width, might look at those. A C&C 14 bolt is 63.5" WMS-WMS, I think the factory Eaton SRW is 65". SRW 14 bolt is 67.5", if that works. (My stepside isn't wide enough, but a fleetside should be.)
Yeah, it's a 1 ton 60 Panel. I'm gonna have to do some measuring. I cant work on it now so I'm making my list of things that need doing and trying to budget it all out. The rear that was under my panel was bent and cut. Looked like someone took the jaws of life to it. My mechanic said it was beyond trying to repair so he suggested just using the D60 out of the Dodge 2500 we were taking the cummins out of. I dont know much about rear ends but I thought if it was good enough for a more modern HD truck like the 2500 it should work fine with my Panel. We put it under the panel and it fit but the tires just rub the lip of the fender using the wheels off the dodge. And they have the lugs all the way out at the front of the wheel. The wheels that I want to use would stick out about 1.5-2 inches so I would either have to find another set of wheels or get a narrower rear. The 14 sounds like it is likely a good option. Thanks.

Originally Posted by 66Submarine View Post
Excellent info, thanks. I learned a lot reading that.

Originally Posted by chopped65 View Post
I have a Dana 60 that I narrowed to fit 18.5" MT. I narrowed around 9" total, don't remember exactly how much. A shop in Las Vegas did the work and did a great job. New axles from Moser are just under $400 plus the labor to have the axle narrowed.
Do you mind my asking what the shop charged you for narrowing the D60?
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