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Old 08-08-2013, 08:59 PM   #221
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Re: Found me a possible truck 1971 gmc swb

One thing I am eager to do while I Clean it count how many spiders I see or snake skins..I know for a fact I'll have to replace the Timing Belt,Spark plugs..hmmmm....trying to think what else..I know fix the side markers.With a little Mean Green and elbow grease it'll be done.When I lifted the hood I counted numerous of spider and spiders do not get along...I'll scream like a little girl if I see a big one in there ..Then its to clean the tailgate's handle of the old wasp nest..May go ahead and sand the barely visible surface rust where the molding was, and Primer the bed sides..who knows..

and to think I actually considered trading my Cougar for a restored 69 Ford Ranger that was Red..Hope I don't get banned for saying that

Plus thank God I can get all of my parts for cheap up the way..I got a good friends brother who could weld for me
1971 GMC Sierra
1959 GMC 100

Last edited by SCHRUMGMC; 08-08-2013 at 09:07 PM.
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