Thread: 383 Build
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Old 08-09-2013, 10:36 AM   #21
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Re: 383 Build

Well, It was not a specific goal on my 383 to acheive 11:1, it's the way things came together. Compression itself doesn't add so much but it can make a build work better (i.e. cam).

We ended up spending too much time tracking a misfire (thanks to exhaust guy for breaking plugs) and haven't got everything out of it yet. Carb is dialed but I think the ignition curve could be better. Torque at the rear wheels was very flat, 305 ftlbs. at 3750 (275 from 3000). I have a few hundred miles on the engine, heat wave, traffic and even a load to the dump (That truck doesn't belong here...). No detonation (12.7 air to fuel, full timing, 91 octane pump gas), runs great.
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