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Old 08-09-2013, 11:40 PM   #288
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: West Linn
Posts: 163
Re: Found me a possible truck 1971 gmc swb

Closing in on 300 posts, there are quite a few committed to this thread now...

I haven't shared anywhere else about the part hoard I bought yesterday. I found an ad with a guy selling his dads collection of Chevy parts, mostly 67-72 Chevy C-10 and 79 K5 stuff. His dad passed in 2005 in a car accident and was in the middle of a few builds. He had sold parts along the way but was done selling piece meal, he was ready to move everyhing, the good, bad, new, NOS, everything for one price. I showed up, gave him more than he asked and filled up my pickup twice.

I know my Chevy parts but when it comes to ball joints and switches it came in handy that everything was labeled.

You believe that you will remember what screw goes where and which hole the longer bolt went in, but you won't, not until you do the same repair about 7 times.

Here's the hoard I picked up, basically because this thread is all talk and no pictures!

All these boxes are labeled! Makes my life easier.

SCHRUM, if you get through tomorrow with a new to you GMC in your driveway lets talk and I'll send you something shiny for your ride. Besides that I'm hoarding so don't even think this is a sale posting
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