Originally Posted by midniteblues
way too go schrum  i cant belive it finaly happened!
i've been watching this thread all week allmost like i was the one that was trying too score a cool old truck
:lol now you can actually start for real threads with meaning
ok so you got the truck now but it needs one big big thing an thats $$.
sure theres alot you can do thats free. but they dont build themselves for free and please dont go an spray paint "drift king " down the side of it or do anything WACKED too it.its a classic and it should stay that way.
now you have a real reason too put the controller down and find a JOB! (allmost like having a kid)but you gotta remember without $ it practaicaly goes nowhere.
(unless your mom gives you an allowance then it takes forever)
that sure would be one sweet truck that your grand pappy would be proud of once its all fixed up.....that is if your up for it ,boy it takes alot of work.
I am definitly looking forward too more pics of it an you progress as you clean it up.
an please ask all the questions you possibly can as the most dumb question is the one that wasnt asked.
still i cant believe it happened 
Sound advice. I believe he is like 20, so he's legal to vote, purchase a hand gun, join the military, own a home, get married, get credit cards, etc. so he's certainly of age to have a job...
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