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Old 08-12-2013, 12:58 AM   #1
78c10 sleeper
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: evington,VA
Posts: 13
12 bolt truck questions

Hi guys, im Geting ready to start building my 12 bolt truck rear end and I have a few questions, I know that a car and truck 12 bolt are a different animal but I know some things interchange. So my build goes like this aftermarket axles, c clip eliminators, spool and 456 gears and ill weld the housing to the tubes. I called stranged and they said that their spool interchanges between both the car and truck 12 bolt rear end and said I need to order gears for a series 4 carrier so im wondering should I get car gears or truck gears? I know u can put car gears in a truck rear end with the proper pinion bearing, but are the car and truck series 4 gears the same? Thanks for any info
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