Thread: New water pump?
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Old 08-12-2013, 09:02 PM   #12
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Re: New water pump?

I got a new pump (well new to me - I'm not sure if it was reman.) Same casting number, but the pulley flange was different. Kinda of a pain to have to press off/on the flange from the old pump.

The other places around me (napa, advance, etc.) either wanted crazy money ($100+) or they had extra heater hose fittings that I didn't like the look of. I paid about $45 for mine plus the core I had to eat because my old one was cracked and not rebuildable.

Still, they're cheap insurance if you already have the coolant drained and everything else apart. If you have access to a press, I have a water pump rebuild kit I didn't use during my build. PM me if you're interested, but unless you have to have your original pump for some reason, a new pump is about the same price and without the rebuild hassle.Good luck.

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