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Old 08-13-2013, 11:56 AM   #8
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Re: My 1971 c10 at 95% done. Thoughts?

man, Im really diggin the style your going for.

I like the idea of wide whites, but you might want to photoshop some in a picture or something to just double check thats what you want. Just my opinion but white walls are kind of hit and miss with our trucks.
I have a feeling it would be a hit with yours.. but like I said I would just double check and make sure your happy with the look. And really the only reason Im saying that is I was looking at some other posts and cant remember who the guy was, but he kept going back and forth... But he kept buying new tires... Or maybe he had them all just laying around... regardless it just seemed like alot of money to spend cause he couldnt make up your
71 swb 350/4sp manual 5/7 static drop
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