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Old 08-13-2013, 01:31 PM   #1
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Posts: 14
1967 C10 - cold start issue

Hey Guys,

I am experiencing an issue with cold starts and was hoping someone might have some insight. With my 67 C10, I recently installed a rebuilt 2 BB Rochester Carb...when I start it in the morning, I pull the manual choke, and pump the pedal a couple of starts right up initially, but then it wants to die....I need to continue to pump the pedal to keep it going....after about 2 minutes of this, it will idle on it's own and not die. After it is warmed up, it runs great. Does anybody have any suggestions? Is it just an old engine, and will it always have a rough time idling when first started, or is there something i can adjust...May the fuel mixture? More advanced Timing?

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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