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Old 12-03-2003, 05:12 PM   #6
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Posts: 128
The Blazer appears to be really nice. If it's like you said, and there is only that rust mentioned, that is what most people try and find, a good solid truck (At least that is what I would look for...) It's really hard to tell how nice it is unless your actually looking at it, but in the pictures it looks great.

I don't know what you originally paid, and how much money you have in it, but I would try my best to hold on to it. If you can't afford to, then look around on the classic car trader, cars-on-line, Hemmings Motor News, and other such places that have them for sale and see how much they are going for, and how yours compares as far as the shape it's in.

If it looks as good as the pics. show, I would "guesstimate" $8000-$9000, something like that...
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