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Old 08-14-2013, 08:19 AM   #4
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Re: Parking lamp failures, is LED the fix?

The old harness is removed, unwrapped, untangled and laid out on the floor to measure and one by one replace the original wires and sockets with new ones.

Starting with the parking light circut, I hook up the drivers side lamp, its run back to the proper connector on the bulkhead plug and its paired wire that feeds the parking light filiment on the passenger side. All soldered and insulated. As you see, the original wireing harness is only removed one joint at a time as I insert new wires to replace old, new sockets to replace old, etc....keeps me from reversin wires and messin it up. Do it right Richie cause yer gonna tape it all before its installed and tested. Brave or foolish, you decide!

All taped up and ready to install....

A test install, the ground wires are looped from the new socket over to the lamp bucket hold down screw. Each lamp with a solid ground now. And at the intial hookup, I have running and turn signal lamps functional on the passenger side.

Woo Hoo, the drivers side running and turn signal lamps work too.

OkeyDokey Piggie Pokie....time for bed. I'll route all the wires and reassemble everything tomorrow and pretty much forget about worryin if my front lamps and signals are working. No more trips to the front of the truck before each drive to wiggle the sockets into a good ground ... Just start the truck and drive. Gettin more like a reliable vehicle every day.
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