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Old 08-14-2013, 10:43 AM   #1
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Posts: 69
NASHVILLE TN - Looking for someone to paint my C10 - budget spray

Hello, I live in the city and my neighbors would not take too kindly to me spraying my truck in the driveway, so I was hoping to find someone who had some land or lived in the country who could do this for me? The body is fairly straight, I do have some areas I need to work on but I'm not doing a full restore here just trying to get some paint over existing primer for a daily driver. It will be ready to tape up and spray when I bring it to you. I can even help and pay you-please PM me and tell me how much you would charge to spray (just your labor-I'll buy the paint). If you have examples of your work that would be awesome. I could also barter for you coming over to my house if you need some work done on your truck/car whatever because I have a two post lift and airtools, engine hoist. As far as paint goes, debating between a single stage then wetsanding/buffing or base coat/clear coat. Depends on what you are good working with I guess (AND cost of the paint/materials). Thanks!!
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