Thread: Project Blazen
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Old 08-14-2013, 11:00 AM   #1
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Project Blazen

Well, I started this project several years ago. Started off going full speed ahead tearing it completely down to bare bones.. You know, all the usual stuff, blast , powdercoat, and new suspension parts.. Bagged it and did a mild notch hoping to save me rear seat for extra passengers. Well, life happens and other priorities came up and the blazer went under the cover for several years, Lost interest and thought about selling it.. But decided I had too much time and $ invested to give up. I went to the Brothers Show and Shine this year and it got me motivated to finish what I started... So, the blazer begins another tranformation before ever getting finished the 1st time.. Plans are too scrap the previous suspension, and do a complete Porterbuilt extreme set up front and back... PPG Black roadster with saddle brown leather interior. 20-22" wheels currently Intros, but that might change when it takes on its new stance.. 350 crate with Billet specialites Tru Trac and lots of other shiny stuff.. Hopefully will have it ready for Brothers 2014..
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