Originally Posted by Square_78
You think it's going to take MORE than 2 days???
Look around the board.
I've seen people take more than 2 days to break balljoints loose.
More than 2 days to bleed brakes.
You will have to bleed all 4 wheels.
Those rear brake bleeders like to break off, requiring new wheel cylinders.
Wrong parts sent.
Fabricate a longer brake pedal push rod.
Millions of possible delays.
I spent 4 hours one day just bending brake lines.
Do you have a tubing bender and a double flaring tool?
Probably going to have to trim the lower a-arms at the balljoint area.
That's a trial and error method.
Grind a little.
Install wheels.
Turn left and right.
Remove wheels.
Grind a little more.
Painting anything?
Calipers, brake rotors, tie rods, M/C?
Otherwise they will rust in just a VERY short time.
The point is,... no sense being in a hurry.