Re: Interesting auction: 69 fire department pickup
"Includes Racks But No Front Fire Fighting Bumper, Includes Original Front Bumper -Not Shown". No loss there, but it does appear to have protected the grill fairly well. It couldn't get dented if it was 3 ft from everything! I would have to balk at the 9k claim. If it did have that low of miles on the chassis, I would say the engine has a lot more hours from just sitting while running, judging by the grease build up. As for maintenance of volunteer vehicles, IMO it is all over the scale as far a quality of work performed. Remember that it isn't a paid dept so there was the possibility of "brother in law" shade tree mechanic work possible that you wouldn't see on a non volunteer dept truck. The trucks in the small town I grew up in where victims of this. there was a lot of good intentions that went awry.
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