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Old 08-15-2013, 12:38 PM   #29
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Cool Re: Need help with my 61

Hi There,
I just did a 350 conversion into my 61 this past weekend, including getting rid of the horsehoe motor mount and converting over to the motor mounts you are talking about.

Let me tell is a lot of work. You have to fabricate the 2 1/2 spacers for each side, drill the holes, mock every thing up and then install the engine so you can mark the holes where you need to drill into the frame and into the cross member. That will take you about 4 hours right there.

Then, you have to take it all back out, drill the frame and the cross member, install the motor back in and get all the holes to line up. That's another 2 to 3 hours (took me half a day because it takes time to line it up and bolt it down).

I'll say'll have a full 8 hours just on the motor mount conversion (took me about 10) and I don't want to do it again.'re running electrical, bolting up all the attachments, transmission, etc...

All I'm saying is it is not really a lot of difficult work (but it is a lot of work).

Look over the forums here...I got a lot of ideas on the engine mounts from here and Captain added some great input. I followed what these other guys did, and was able to do it myself (and I am no Mr. Goodwrench)

There was a lot of busy work to get my small block into the was a good weekend project. It will take me another week to get all the rest together and hopefully get it running.

Best of luck. Message me if you have questions because I have a 61 like you...
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