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Old 08-17-2013, 04:35 AM   #38
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Re: So I bought this K5 that someone started to convert to 2wd...

Originally Posted by AHowe88 View Post
Love the wrap! How many hours did the install take you?
I think I have 16-20 hours on the install,some was with my buddy helping..

Originally Posted by jaros44sr View Post
Can you give me a contact number, and how long did it take to learn the install process....and if i might ask the final cost?

My wife hates the smell of paint and solvents, sooo, this may be a way to get my truck protection against the elements
It took me at least 30+ hours in doing the chevelle on the first page of this learn the limitations of the material...the cheaper black vinyl I used on it was not very forgiving,unlike this 3M I used on the blazer that was a ton better to use....

Here is where I bought my vinyl from... Had I not ruined a pretty big piece i would have been in this wrap just under $800
Originally Posted by AHowe88 View Post
I'm curious on this as well. I really like this idea, and it doesn't seem too bad, except for the tailgate, that might be tough.
The problem areas are the hood,the tops of the fenders,the bottom fronts of the fenders the transition from the bedsides to the taillights and just the recess in the tailgate...all of these areas got spliced because there was too much material to take up....

Certain things it is very well suited an example this is the taillight panel on my friends 67 camaro I did....took less than an hour and $6-8 in semi-gloss 3m vinyl....

I have a yellow 67 camaro too that is a big block that I will be doing the same thing since his turned out so well!
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