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Old 08-19-2013, 09:14 AM   #9
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Re: 73+ Crossmember LCA mounts

Originally Posted by jjzepplin View Post
Without going into too much detail or why, Some guys (& me) take that rivet out and replace with an Allen bolt as it locates the lower control arm shaft. The plate should be easily removable at that point and any irregularities could be filled with a welder and ground down.
Exactly. That's what I did as well. I believe that the change from the locating rivet to an allen bolt more positively locates the cross shaft. On my front suspension (out of a '79 Suburban), the aft locating rivet on both the driver and passenger sides was barely making contact with the cross shaft. Now, with 4 allen bolts positively locating the lower shafts, it's even better than factory.

Right now, you at the perfect point of doing the caster mod that I did in my '64 build thread. You will need to find a machine shop that can duplicate the spot-face holes in your lower crossshaft. It's a very easy mod that will move the lower control arm forward 3/4" and help you gain some much-needed caster.
Check out my latest endeavor:

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