Originally Posted by jmedero
I went with a 4 link on my Burb. You can see it done in my build thread that's in my signature. Blocks in the rear with bags placed either on the rear end or behind/infront of will give you more drop since the bag won't be sandwiched between your fram and trailing arm.
On the front several options. I have done and so have many others a sectioned front crossmember. Drops the front 1 1/4 inch is about the sweet spot. It raises the xmember then add bags, drop spindles and a little lower a arm mod and you will be really low up front. Or pony up some cash and do what I did and others have done and get a front kit. I did the Scott's super slam and love it. You have choices man it's up to time, money and skill. My tatto artist has a sign on the wall that says good, fast, cheap.... Pick two. That's about the same here.
Nice truck and a good start.
Posted via Mobile Device
My 66 has a sectioned crossmember and raised steering up front