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Old 08-22-2013, 08:19 AM   #13
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Re: Plugging during winter

Just because it's old doesn't mean it can't run like it's supposed to, without heaters, etc. (of course i'm sure it's better for wear n tear to have a nice warm engine to startup.)

These guys are on the right track with crossovers working, carb setup right, choke setup right, and also make sure timing is working with vac advance working, etc.

I did those things on my 66 catalina. Previous owner would need to let it sit and warm up for 10 minutes before driving. That doesn't cut it as i was using it to take my daughter to daycare in the morning in NEOhio lake effect weather.

Once i had the carb rebuilt, fixed the vac adv, set the timing, and adjusted the choke (crossover flapper in exhaust was working still), i could go out and pump the gas once (any more than once and it could flood) and turn the key and it'd fire up...better than the 4.3 chevy v6 van i was using for a work van! Crank right over and fire up.

I hate leaving things plugged in for long periods too, but with GOOD jet ski and lawnmower and car batteries being over $100/ea, i just live with it. That's what insurance is for right?
Project "i'm just going to clean up the interior and the engine bay":
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