Originally Posted by Mister-B
Looking really good. Nice work.
What's this about the cab being small though? Do you have your bench seat all the way back against the tank? I'm 6' 270 with broad shoulders and long legs, and fit just fine with the stock bench and steering wheel/column. If you need belly room, I've heard of guys pulling the steering column in towards the engine. You might just be comparing it to modern trucks, that are SUV's with a small bed. Don't do that. Appreciate it for what it is.
Also, I meant to post this photo on this page, but mistakenly added it to a different page. I saw this car yesterday at a car show. I think your truck would look great clear coated
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No belly problems but I'm 6'-6" and there just isn't much leg room.... Its alright, I'm not planning on any cross-country trips with it.
That bug does look cool!