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Old 08-26-2013, 12:30 AM   #2
Average Joe
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Re: '71 Burb "Earl" drivetrain

Hey Ryan i'll throw in my 2cents for what its worth. Id start with a good HEI ignition if it doesnt already have it. Try for 36 degrees total timing all in by 2800ish rpm not counting vacuum advance.
Next I would consider a rebuild on your qjet. S.M.I. or Cliff Ruggles can do a quality rebuild and custom build it to your specs.
I'd also get a full length 2 1/2 exhaust with low restriction mufflers. Headers generally require more maintenance than manifolds and your existing ramhorns are pretty good as manifolds go.
If you dont already have a clutch fan you might want to consider one or go dual electric fans.
If after all this you still want to do a head swap grab some vortec heads with a intake manifold that fits these heads ie edelbrock performer with a spreadbore carb pattern soyou can utilize your qjet. Swap in a mild cam keep duration under 218 at .050 and lift under .460 and youd be set. Oh btw vortecs like less timing like 32 max.
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