Reasonable productive weekend. Went to the junk yard on sunday. Ended up scoring a jeep starter, clutch pedal and bracket from a cherokee as well. Also got a cluster and speedo cable from an older jeep, gonna try to retrofit the single gauge into my cluster to work with the jeep trans. Thats for much later.
End of last week I got both running board mounts tacked on.
End up cutting up the factory bracket for the jeep pedals ( brake and clutch are together) worked out nice, figured out pedal height then welded to 2 together.
While I had the pedal assy ou about 100 times I also make up a plate to weld to the firewall, seen other people saying theirs would flex so figured I would take care of that now.
The cuouts are where the pistons will eventually go through when I get around to drilling out those holes.
And pastly just a couple engine shots. I think it looks great in the truck, really fills the engine bay and sits nice.
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