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Old 08-27-2013, 12:37 PM   #2
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Thumbs up Re : FOUND ONE ! (seek & ye shall find)

It looks like I finally found a 292 ~

So now I have to clean out the cab then check the front brakes , replace the grease seals and generally clean it up and make ready for a two day road trip .

I don't suppose anyone here knows what the correct 292 color was in 1969 ? .

I know it was GMC RED in the early to mid 1960's but by the end of production it was CHEVROLET 6 BLUE so I'm not sure what color to use in my base green '69 C/10 ....

'49 3100 235 W/ Muncie SM420 SOLD
'69 C/10 shortbed sidemount survivor 250 L6 W/ 350TH
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