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Old 08-27-2013, 02:05 PM   #2
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Re: Recommend carb for 5.7 350

Get a new mechanic. Unless there is physical damage, the Qjet is a fine carb in capabale hands. Is is the best of both worlds. Small primaries for economy and large secondaries for power. Build the Qjet.

If you must get a new one, I would (and have) dump the carburetor and convert to TPI or TBI fuel injection.

If you are dead set on a carb, and don't want a Qjet, get a 600cfm vacuum secondaries Holley. Stay away from Edelbrock IMHO.
'83 K20-TPI
'73 C10
'79 C10-ex-diesel(SOLD)
'07 Tahoe(Son driving)
'14 Suburban-DD
'71 C10-current project
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