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Old 08-27-2013, 08:01 PM   #1
So,, what else you got???
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Join Date: May 2010
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Whole pile of assorted interior parts. One price for the lot.

Cleaning things out this week, end of summer you know. This is a pile of assorted, miscellaneous and random interior pieces. There are door handles/window crank handles, an oil pressure gauge, a wiper motor, some pedals, a door latch, a couple of vent pulls, a sunvisor clip and a seat belt bolt. Like I said, just a pile of parts. None of it is rare, limited production or from a Corvette optioned truck. $23.00 shipped for the whole pile if you can use it. Thanks, Fred.
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Our paypal is Please DO NOTsend paypal funds as a gift, right is right. Thanks....
Sorry, we CANNOT ship larger parts. Thanks.
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