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Old 08-27-2013, 10:36 PM   #1
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Posts: 216
1968 Wrecker Purchase

My purchase from this weekend. This started by my wife wanting to get a 67-72 one ton flat bed. During our hunt I found this instead. It's not what I was looking for, but I couldn't pass it up for $1100. The windshield got busted out recently, but the body is very clean. It does run, but has been sitting for a few years and I think it needs the gas tank cleaned out.
Originally was a 292 6 cylinder that has been changed to a 350 V8. Has been upgraded to disc brakes and 14 bolt rearend. It does need 1 rear spring shackle as it wore completely thru due to lack of grease.

Here's some pics.
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68 4wd Stepside
69 2wd Stepside Project
71 2wd Blazer Project
72 2wd 3/4 Ton Project or Parts?
73 4wd Blazer
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