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Old 12-05-2003, 04:06 AM   #2
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Mont Belvieu, TX
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I just went through this. Heres what I did.

You need to get a TDC locator. It's a little gadget that screws into your spark plug hole. Pull #1 plug, and install the TDC locator. Turn the crank by hand until the #1 piston comes up and bumps the stop at TDC then put a mark on your balancer at 0 on your timing tab. Turn the crank the opposite direction until the piston comes back around and bumps the stop again, and put another mark on your balancer at 0. Measure to find the halfway point on your balancer between the two marks you made, and that will be your TDC mark for your balancer.

I also thought I had the wrong balancer for my engine, but it turned out that I did indeed have the correct one. My factory mark was right between the two marks I put on the balancer.

Hope this helps

'92 ext. cab s/b 4.3L "Sparky"
'04 crew cab 2500 4x4 6.0L
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