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Old 08-31-2013, 12:08 AM   #24
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Exclamation Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Do TO it ? .

I drove it 400 + miles in the heat and had a pretty good time , marveled at how it used less than 1/2 quart of oil in spite of running it 65 MPH the whole way .

What did I do IN it ? I nearly DIED when some @$$hole in a beat up double bottom Semi pulled into my lane when there was nowhere for me to escape , stop nor speed up ~ I had two tires in the edge of a steep dirt embankment on Ca. Rt. 99 North of Modesto where the Road Construction has it all torn up , I managed to keep 6" (maybe) between him and my mirror as I leaned on the horn and slowed down , luckily for me a CHP Commercial Enforecement Pickup was coming up in the fast lane and saw me pop out from behind this jerk , he pulled the jerk over .

Whew ~ for a moment or three I thought I was going to roll it down the embankment @ 65 MPH ~ that's very exciting but not much fun , BT , DT and have the scars to prove it .

To - morrow I hope to load up my new (old) 292 engine and head home .
'49 3100 235 W/ Muncie SM420 SOLD
'69 C/10 shortbed sidemount survivor 250 L6 W/ 350TH
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