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Old 08-31-2013, 05:36 AM   #1
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Anyone working on a truck must read!

To all of you that have posted your build projects on here, THANK YOU!!! I'm a newbie to the 60-66 body style and I have to say I have learned....quickly, it is by far better to read for a couple hours than to hack up new or existing parts trying to figure it out. The build sites are a fantastic wealth of how to do's and what not to do's. So to any and all, if you're planning on doing something, check around here first. Most likely someone has done it and it will make your life SO much easier. FANTASTIC SITE! once again, thank you for sharing your info with us, it may feel silly doing it but it helps so many others when they embark on the road to whatever project lies ahead. I'm looking forward to posting my build, as soon as I can figure out how to put up pic's. It should be a good one as far as here's how you shouldn't do it goes.
Nice EASY project, no problem....until I get home why is that? My build:
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