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Old 12-05-2003, 11:26 AM   #9
crackajacka's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Tuttle, OK
Posts: 620
Thank you jonboy your the only one thats answered my question. I only wanted to know about the tc, not everything else. my trans has been unhooked from the day i purchased it and its outlived a rebuilt 305. sry if i come off as an arsehole but tech support for my outgoing mail server has been nothing but SH*T. They have yet to answer my question of why i cant log on, 8 replys and they tell me how to set it up in each reply even tho i could log on just fine 2 weeks ago.
Ive been traveling for some time, with my fishin pole and my bottle of shyne.
Most Girls like finished products and just dont understand what a good addiction does for you
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