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Old 08-31-2013, 08:32 PM   #2760
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
TNB, Craftsman has a sale on wrenches.... Nice job on the repair, did you use a smooth or hammer finish?

I was all reved up and ready to paint my doors, bumpers, grille and some misc stuff but found I had used all the clear on my steering wheel. so working on speaker enclosures instead....
I guess that's in reference to my crusty rusty old wrenches in the background ? LoL Those are just some antique tool kit wrenches I've been picking up here & there. Got some Maxwell, Nash, John Deere, and Triumph & Indian motorcycle & railroad marked wrenches as well as the usual Ford stuff. Here's most of a Model A tool kit I've been putting together. I actually have enough Snap On, MAC, Matco & Cornwell stuff to put 5 guys to work. Now that I'm retired and all my "work tools" are home as well as my "home tools" I have too much stuff.
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