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Old 09-01-2013, 05:16 PM   #5
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Re: 66 shorty step Easy project....what was I thinking?

First I was happily cutting wires to remove the donor engine a thought stumbled through my mind...This seems to be a lot of wires I'm cutting. That's when I realized it was tbi not carbureted as I was told. I was too busy google eyeing the suspension that I never even looked under the hood. I turned the key, it purred like a kitten, load her up. after further inspection I found out it also is not a 350 but a now it's let's find a new motor time. Since ya'll like pictures so much I'll throw one in of the motor and tranny coming out. Anybody want to buy a nice running 305 tbi?
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Nice EASY project, no problem....until I get home why is that? My build:
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